REPORTING UNIT:   LRP TEAM NO. 15                    DATE OF REPORT:  22 Jan 69

INSERTION:   161150 JAN 69 XT529357               EXTRACTION: 171045  Jan 69 XT528353


     2.     ASST  TL          SGT JANSZWESKI

               TEAM MEMBERS

                                   METHOD OF EXTRACTION: C TROOP 3 /4 CAV

SGT  DEVEGA                 PFC  MC NEILY
SP4   NYE                        PFC  MRKVICKA
PFC  PORTER               KCS  HUNG   


MISSION:     Team 15's primary mission was to ambush enemy personnel and if the opportunity arose, capture an enemy soldier.

1161150     Team 15 was inserted by UH1D in the vicinity of coordinates XT529357.  The team had moved  approximately 30 meters into the wood-line on an azimuth of 280 degrees when they received three sniper rounds from an AK47 on an azimuth of 280 degrees, approximately 100 meters from          the team.  The team also found a foxhole four feet wide by four feet long by four feet deep.  The position had been freshly dug.  The team estimates it was less than one week old.

161220     Team 15 monitored three single shots fired from an AK47 on an azimuth of 50 degrees, 150 meters from the team.  At this time the team was still in route to their OP.

161234     Team 15 moved into their OP in the vicinity of coordinates XT529359.

161625     Team 15 observed five enemy soldiers moving South on a trail 75 meters east of 15's OP.  The  enemy were moving too rapidly and were too for away to effectively engage with small arms. The enemy were wearing black PJ's, no headgear and were armed with AK47's.

161630     Team 15 observed three more enemy personnel moving South on the trail, 75 meters East of their  OP.  Again the enemy were wearing black PJ's and were armed with AK47's.

161700     Team 15 monitored Third Squadron Fourth Cavalry tracks moving towards their OP on an azimuth of 200 degrees.  When the tracks were approximately 500 meters from the team, a fire fight broke out between the tracks and the enemy.

161710     Team 15 observed eight enemy personnel moving towards the Northeast on an azimuth of 100 degrees, approximately 100 meters from the team.  The team reported that the enemy were wearing black PJ's but they could not identify the type of weapons the enemy was armed with.

161730     Team 15 made radio contact with Third Squadron Fourth Cavalry tracks and informed them of movement towards their position.

161750     Team 15 observed two enemy personnel on an azimuth of 360 degrees, 100 meters from their OP.The enemy were moving West.  The enemy were armed with AK47's and were wearing black  PJ's.

161800     Team 15 observed one enemy soldier moving towards the Northeast on an azimuth of 300  degrees, approximately 100 meters from their OP.  The team could not see the type of uniform the enemy was wearing or what type of weapon he was armed with.

161810     Team 15 monitored heavy movement heading West 150 meters to the North of their position. The team could not determine the number of personnel moving.

161820     Team 15 began having 50 caliber rounds crack over their heads.  The rounds were being fired from A Troop tracks who at that time was engaged in a fire fight with the enemy.

161840     A gun-ship supporting A Troop was sent to 15's position.  The team directed gun runs on enemy movement 50 to 150 meters north of their position.

161900 to       Team 15 monitored heavy movement heading towards the South-west, 100 to 200 meters East 1930 of their position.  The team could not determine the number of personnel that passed their position.  

161945     A fire fight with the Third Squadron Fourth Cavalry tracks broke out again and the team began receiving both AK47 and 50 caliber rounds in and around their position.

162015     Team 15 monitored light movement on an azimuth of 210 degrees, 300 meters from their position.  The team could not determine the number of personnel or the direction of movement.  At the same time the team monitored light movement towards the Southeast on a 90 degree                azimuth, approximately 75 meters from their position.

170830     Team 15 received word to move to C Troop's position.

170930     Team 15 moved on an azimuth of 220 degrees for 600 meters.  While moving, the team was being followed by an enemy force of undetermined size.

171045     Team 15 reached C Troop's position in the vicinity of coordinates XT528353 and was extracted by tracks.